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$28.00 Original price was: $28.00.$4.00Current price is: $4.00.
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$28.00 Original price was: $28.00.$4.00Current price is: $4.00.
Attex – PHP Admin & Dashboard Template
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100% Money-Back Guarantee
Tags: admin Admin Templates, agency Admin Templates, app Admin Templates, backend Admin Templates, bootstrap Admin Templates, crm Admin Templates, dashboard Admin Templates, erp Admin Templates, flat Admin Templates, free Admin Templates, php Admin Templates, saas Admin Templates, softaware Admin Templates, tailwind Admin Templates, tech Admin Templates
Attex is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 5.3.0 and PHP, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and PHP. It has many ready-to-use hand-crafted components. The theme is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this theme into a real web application.
- Created using Bootstrap v5.3.0
- Built with PHP
- Easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables
- Clean and Intuitive Design
- Light & Dark Themes (only css based)
- Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, and devices
- Easy development and tooling with Laravel mix
- Fully Documented
- Rich form, widgets, validation, and wizard
- 150+ Pages
- 500+ UI Components
- 110+ Charts(11 chart library)
- 13+ Built-in Apps
- RTL & LTR Support
- Error pages included
- Stylish pricing page
- 9000+ Font Icons
- Sample CRM and eCommerce Application
- All of Bootstrap components
- Icons
- Multiple Widgets
- Toast Notifications
- Chartjs Charts
- Apex Charts
- Nestable List
- Range Slider
- Tour Page
- Loading Buttons
- Image Crop
- Spinner
- Max Length Validator
- Advanced Datatables
- Dragula – Simple Drag and Drop
- Multiple File Uploads
- WYSIWYG Editors (Summernote and SimpleMDE)
- Google, Mapeal, and Vector Maps
- Calendar
- Chat
- Email (Inbox, Email details page, Compose, Email Templates, etc)
- Tasks (List Page, Task detail, etc)
- Kanban Board
- File Manager
- Sample Dashboards
- Profile (Setting, Activity, and About)
- Invoice (Print ready)
- FAQs
- Timeline
- Pricing
- Maintenance
- Coming Soon
- Login (Two variations)
- Register (Two variations)
- Logout (Two variations)
- Recover Password (Two variations)
- Lock Screen (Two variations)
- Confirm Mail (Two variations)
- Sign In – Sign Up (Two variations)
- Error 404 (Three variations)
- Error 500 (Two variations)
What’s included (Features)
- Providing helpful documentation
- Better page & directory structure
- Beautiful form elements
- It contains pure css, scss, javascript, HTML
- Creative designs with good graphics app
- Mobile & web responsive
- SEO Friendly tech
- You can use it with the following admin types: event, fashion, medical, inventory, pharmacy, agency, real estate, education, portfolio, blog, travel, hotel, photography, sports, nft, spa, crypto,
- Some use cases: travel, marketplace, loan, management, coupon, digital marketing, CV, resume, news, email, industry, game, newsletter, gym, ngo
- You can use base CSS with different languages directly: vue, angular, svelte, php, django, node, react,
- Also you can integrate with some frameworks easily: nuxt, svelte kit, native, next, laravel,
- We have a good timeline of updates
You can view the products or services you have purchased under the "Orders" section in the "My Account" menu. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to contact us via our WhatsApp support line at +905469705051.
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